
Activity Center

Learning Roots Activity Center serves its community in a variety of ways. We are a building of students, for students and by students. Our Activity Center has a weekly Schedule for children till December 31st.

On Mondays Yoga will be taught to the children as Yoga introduces cornerstone values to your child “such as non-harming, truthfulness, moderation, cleanliness, gratitude and self-discipline.”

On Tuesdays Reading & writing will be taught as reading and writing opens the door to your child’s early academic success.

OnWednesdays, Dance will be taught as we all know dance is the best exercise. Our dancing session will make your child physically active and strong.

On Thursdays Art & Craft session will be taken as kids feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence.

On Fridays, Rhymes & Recitation will be taught as rhymes are a great way into learning early phonic skills. Rhymes expand your child’s imagination.

On Saturdays again dance session will be there.

blow off cobblers lavatory hanky panky squiffy bloke Elizabeth say. my good sir lurgy what a plonker up the duff only a quid blag blower, pardon you bleeder spend a penny chip shop excuse my French Eaton.



2-8 yrs

Class Time

Tution Fee

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Activity Center

Learning Roots Activity Center serves its community in a variety

  • AGE: 2-8 yrs
  • Class Time: